This one is for you movie lovers who are tired of watching the same old thing on streaming channels and want something a little more juicy and challenging. None of this movies are for the faint of heart. Most of these movies were banned in some countries for being incredibly violent, offensive or sexual. These films are not meant to be enjoyed, but as a reflection on life as a whole.
The Birth Of A Nation
The most racist movie ever made but it's no surprise considering this was made in 1915. So controversial that it was banned in several states in the United States back then. There's an excessive use of black face. Most of the black characters are portayed as savages. I'm surprised the #cancelculture hasn't gotten their hands on this.
Saló Or The 120 Days Of Sodom
I find this one so hard to watch, specially during the last 30 minutes. Meticulously shot and full of graphic scenes of torture, rape and murder. There's such a viciousness films nowdays wouldn't dare. Pier Paolo Pasolini (the director) was murdered just before the release. You can read all about it here: Inspired by the work of Marquis De Sade.
Cannibal Holocaust
The gore in this is so real that the director Ruggero Deodato had to prove in court that his actors were alive. No joke. There's also graphic animal torture and murder. A pig and a turtle were killed.
If you know Gaspar Noé then you know what you're in for. All his movies are an acquire taste and this one has to be his most brutal. A personal favorite. From the first 30 minutes, which have the camera spinning around like a drunk white man (where a murder involving a fire extinguisher occurs & frankly a very hard to watch rape scene that lasts 10 minutes) until the credits rolls, the movie never lets up. A hard reflection on the fragility of life.
Far from a decent movie but shocking nonetheless. There's a beheading that I still can't get out of my head and a lot of perverted graphic sex/nudity. Malcolm Mcdowell from a Clockwork Orange & dame Helen Mirren from The Queen are both leads in this. A very grotesque & malicious erotic drama.
Ichi The Killer
This movie is fucking fantastic. A love letter to pain, fetishes and sadism from master Takashi Miike. There's so much blood flowing through this one and a lot of dark twisted humor. I'll leave it at this: there's a psychopath who dismembers his victims and gets turned on by the sight of his brutality. Probably the most watchable of this bunch.
Passion Of The Christ
Funny story: I saw this one back when I had 14 years old after a friend took me with his church group who paid for a private screening. Man, I came out incredibly disturbed and uneasy. The last 40 minutes or so depicting the torture Jesus Christ went through is fucking bonkers. I still can't watch those scenes without looking away. Beautiful movie to be honest and scary as hell. The depiction of hell is one of the scariest I've seen of film.
Made by another director like Gaspar Noé whose specialty is controversy: Lars Von Trier. This one is so gloomy and depressing. There's a couple of actual and really graphic sex scenes as well as a "clit-cutting" moment. I won't say no more. Wonderful performances by Charlotte Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe by the way. A great story about loss.
Ken Park
Larry Clark is known for his controversial films involving teens and sex, graphic sex . Ken Park is another personal favorite. A hard watch but very realistic drama about wild young adults.
This one is so violently graphic, intense and the wounds look so real is hard not to cringe. A very existencial horror experience. The story evolves constantly into something else. A sad tale about the bond forged by trauma.
Honorable Mentions:
What movies do you find disturbing?