Story: A stand-up comedian on the verge of breakout success must make a terrible choice when he discovers a murderer on the loose in the theater where he's about to perform his biggest show.
At 81 minutes The Last Laugh felt like an odyssey. After the first act which sets up the characters quite nicely (even when most of them are assholes). After that, I grew increasingly impatient. But there are some good bits here and there.
The setting inside a theatre is refreshing at the very least and I've been hungry for a decent slasher for some time now. One of the highlights is the gore, with at least one of two kills being memorable and bloody. The make-up department did a fair job.
Weirdly, The Last Laugh has some decent acting for a low-budget horror movie. Steve Vanderzee is likable as Myles, our final boy, and troubled comedian trying to make it through a night of anxiety and mayhem. The rest of the characters are disposable, rude, and just there for the body count so you probably won't care for any of them. The killer's costume and mask are adequate for the theatre theme of the story. Perhaps he'd be put to better use in a sequel?
Unfortunately, there's no suspense, few thrills, and its mostly just people walking around waiting to get killed. I know most slashers play the same way to a degree but this just didn't work for me. The third act and final confrontation were weak & anti-climatic as hell. No real resolution to anything. Which probably would've worked had this been written some other way. I mean lack of explanation works so well for horror movies when they're properly done. This is wasted potential.
You can probably find something better to do. Like take a hot shower, drink wine, and avoid Disney's Mulan.
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