Story: A group of high school students are forced into a game where they are hypnotized to commit suicide on an unknown command. Where no one is safe from a sudden death, how can they avoid their fates?
I finally got a hold of Signal 100, a film reminiscent of Suicide Club, Battle Royale & As The Gods Will. Movies that deal with groups of students getting butchered in many gory ways with strong political views at their core. Signal 100 is goofy, crazy, and offers some really dark humor.
I enjoyed the fact that there's not really any protagonists here. Every character takes turns. The closest we get to a main character is in the shape of Rena Kashimura played by Kanna Hashimoto. The rest have their moments but are mostly there for exposition and bloody deaths. The killings do get creative with this giving the Final Destination franchise a run for its money. And most of the second act is dedicated to the students trying to find ways to stay alive and work together while at the same time there's a couple antagonists manipulating the whole ordeal in their favor. I loved the fact that these characters will do whatever it takes to survive. Even if betrayal is on the plate.
There's a political message somewhere within its skin about cults and suicide awareness. But I wasn't too into it. I wasn't very involved with what was happening and found myself zoning out at times. Still, there's a lot of original content and bizarre situations to keep you awake until the end.
If you're a fan of J-horror & enjoyed the movies I listed above then I recommend you watching this. Even if I didn't love it there's still some neat stuff to be found.
Here's the trailer: