Begin Again" is my favorite film from director John Carney.
The director behind "Once" & "Sing Street" (both films that I also love). I think they're indirectly connected. All 3 films are good on their own, but "Begin Again" for me feels the most special.
Keira Knightley & Mark Ruffalo give the best performances of their career, in my opinion. They both feel so honest in their deliveries. They have great chemistry. We have the lovely Catherine Keener in a role that's not wasted (Unlike in "Get Out") and Hailee Steinfield before she became famous. James Corden also has a juicy role. Adam Levine doesn't suck either. Even if he's mostly there just to sing.
One of my favorite aspects of the movie is the fact that they never really turn the relationship between Keira & Mark and turn it into some cheesy movie-of-the-week romance. Instead it feels organic and sets it apart from most of the subgenre.
I feel like they really took advantage of New York. Most movies taking place there don't feel this authentic or capture what is like living there (one that comes to mind is "Pieces Of April" which if you haven't seen STOP READING and do so).
But the movie's heart lies in the music. I don't know how to stress this enough: This is one of the best and most beautiful soundtracks. Everything from "Like A Fool", "A Step You Can't Take Back" and "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" is well written and sang. But my favorite is "Lost Stars" sang in the movie by Mrs. Knightley & Levine.
I feel like this is a love letter for anyone who's ever felt truly lost and hopeless.
And to anyone who the loves music & movies the same.